MUGEN1.1 System.def 千寻汉化版
; 画面包: MUGEN1
; 分辨率: 1280x720
; 支持语言: 英语, 日语
; 关于字体:
; - 可以在[Files]区下定义10个字体.
; - 这里的字体不会影响fight.def中的字体
; - 系统会按以下顺序检索字体文件:
; 1. system.def指定的路径
; 2. mugen主程序同级目录 (不推荐将更改过的字体文件放在这里)
; 3. 主程序同级的data文件夹下 (不推荐将更改过的字体文件放在这里)
; 4. 主程序同级的font文件夹下
name = "MUGEN16" ;画面包的名字
author = "Elecbyte" ;作者名
versiondate = 01,01,2011 ;制作时间 (MUGEN 1.0版新特性)
mugenversion = 1.0 ;主程序版本 (MUGEN 1.0版新特性)
localcoord = 1280,720 ;主程序窗口宽高,1.0以上的版本默认1280,720,常用的还有640,480,WIN版是默认的320,240 (MUGEN 1.0版新特性)
;1. system.def指定的路径
;2. data文件夹下
;3. mugen主程序同级目录
;例如:如果你写 "spr = system.sff", 并且system.def文件中写~/mugen/data/mymotif/,那么Mugen会先去找~/mugen/data/mymotif/system.sff.
; 如果找不到,那么会自动去招 ~/mugen/data/system.sff (默认).
; 如果还找不到,那么最后会去找~/mugen/system.sff.
spr = system.sff ;主界面和选人界面用到的图片文件是system.sff
snd = system.snd ;声音文件
logo.storyboard = ;进入主界面之前播放的logo动画文件,类似于ubisoft这样的,没有就为空 (选填)
intro.storyboard = ;logo之后播放的开场动画文件,没有就为空(选填)
select = select.def ;选人文件
fight = fight.def ;战斗血条相关文件
font1 = f-4x6.def;第一种字体
font2 = name14.def;第二种字体
font3 = enter48.def;第三种字体
font4 = arcade.def
font5 = mssansserif-tt36.def
;font5.height = 36 ;字体的高度(如果你嫌对应字体显示的太小或者太大,可以用这个来改变,如果合适,这个就不需要了 (只对Truetype的字体有用)
font6 = infofont.def
spr = system.sff ;主界面和选人界面用到的图片文件是system.sff
snd = system.snd ;声音文件
logo.storyboard = ;进入主界面之前播放的logo动画文件,类似于ubisoft这样的,没有就为空 (选填)
intro.storyboard = ;logo之后播放的开场动画文件,没有就为空(选填)
select = select.def ;选人文件
fight = fight.def ;战斗血条相关文件
font1 = f-4x6.def;第一种字体
font2 = name14.def;第二种字体
font3 = enter48.def;第三种字体
font4 = arcade.def
font5 = msgothic-tt36.def
;font5.height = 36 ;字体的高度(如果你嫌对应字体显示的太小或者太大,可以用这个来改变,如果合适,这个就不需要了 (只对Truetype的字体有用)
font6 = msgothic-tt36.def
font6.height = 13
;支持MOD、MP3、MIDI格式, 如果不想要音乐可以为空,如果文件名无效则不播放
;如果要播放sound/文件夹下的mymusic.mp3就这么写: title.bgm = sound/mymusic.mp3
title.bgm = sound/op2.mp3 ;音乐文件名
title.bgm.volume = 100 ;音量,这里填百分数
title.bgm.loop = 1 ;主界面音乐是否循环,0为不循环,1为循环,以下涉及循环的同理
title.bgm.loopstart = ;开始循环的时间点,单位是帧
title.bgm.loopend = ;结束循环的时间点,单位是帧
select.bgm = sound/select.mp3
select.bgm.volume =
select.bgm.loop = 1
select.bgm.loopstart =
select.bgm.loopend =
vs.bgm = sound/vs.mp3
vs.bgm.volume =
vs.bgm.loop = 0
vs.bgm.loopstart =
vs.bgm.loopend =
victory.bgm = sound/win.mp3
victory.bgm.volume =
victory.bgm.loop = 0
victory.bgm.loopstart =
victory.bgm.loopend =
[Title Info]
fadein.time = 10;淡入主界面的时间,单位为帧
fadeout.time = 10;淡出主界面的时间,单位为帧
menu.pos = 640,380;主题背景的选项菜单的x,y位置,单位是像素,坐标0,0在左上角,即图片中心距离左上角的距离
menu.item.font = 4,0,0;主界面选项字体(不包括光标移上去时的情况)
;参数分别是:[File]中第几号字体,填充颜色(参数取决于所用字体内含的颜色),对齐方式(0为居中,非0为左对齐缩进),(选填)后面还可以再跟R,G,B颜色参数 = 4,5,0, 224,240,240;光标移到选项上时的字体,参数同上,最后多的三个参数是填充颜色的RGB值
menu.item.spacing = 0, 54;菜单选项之间的x,y距离
menu.itemname.arcade = "ARCADE";街机闯关模式
menu.itemname.versus = "VS MODE";手操1v1对战模式
menu.itemname.teamarcade = "TEAM ARCADE";组队街机闯关模式
menu.itemname.teamversus = "TEAM VS";手操组队对战模式
menu.itemname.teamcoop = "TEAM CO-OP";双人手操合作组队模式
menu.itemname.survival = "SURVIVAL";生存模式
menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "SURVIVAL CO-OP";双人生存模式 = "TRAINING";练习模式 = "WATCH";观战模式
menu.itemname.options = "OPTIONS";选项
menu.itemname.exit = "EXIT";退出
menu.window.margins.y = 40, 34;决定选项界面显示的上下边距,参数分别是:上边距,下边距
menu.window.visibleitems = 5;一次可见的选项数,移动到最后一个数的选项会向下翻页
menu.boxcursor.visible = 1 ;光标是否可见,0为不可见,1为可见
menu.boxcursor.coords = -298,-35,298,6;光标尺寸
cursor.move.snd = 100,0
cursor.done.snd = 100,1
cancel.snd = 100,2
bgclearcolor = 0,0,0;背景RGB色(红,绿,蓝)
[TitleBG Background Top];主界面背景1
type = normal;类型
spriteno = 100,0;用到的图片编号
layerno = 0;坐标
start = 0,0;宽度
tile = 1,1;图片间距
velocity = -1, -1;速度
window = 0,0, 1279,334
[TitleBG Background Middle]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,1
layerno = 0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1
window = 0,335, 1279,631
[TitleBG Background Bottom]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1
window = 0,632, 1279,959
[TitleBG 1]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1
window = 0,332, 1279,334
trans = add1
[TitleBG 2]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1
window = 0,632, 1279,634
trans = add1
[TitleBG Title Logo]
type = normal
spriteno = 0,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,140
mask = 1
[Infobox] ;(MUGEN 1.0新特性,第一次运行时弹出框的文字)
text.font = 6,0,1;字体参数
[Infobox Text] ;(MUGEN 1.0新特性)
Welcome to M.U.G.E.N 1.1 alpha!
;欢迎使用 M.U.G.E.N 1.1 alpha版!
* This is a development build, for testing purposes. Please don't redistribute it.
*This release isn't stable and may contain bugs and incomplete features. If you are looking for a stable build, get the latest M.U.G.E.N 1.0 from
* We may change features without notice between development builds. Since things may break, we don't recommend you release anything using the new features except to the 1.1 testing community.
* Alpha testers please report bugs in in the MUGEN 1.1 section.
;alpha版的测试者们请上报告MUGEN 1.1的bug
* Your help and cooperation are appreciated!
[ja.Infobox Text] ;(日文版弹出框文字,就不翻译了)
M.U.G.E.N 1.1α をご利用いただいてありがとうございます!
[Select Info]
fadein.time = 10;同主界面
fadeout.time = 10
rows = 10;4;行数
columns = 6;3;列数
wrapping = 1 ;设为1后,若光标在左侧第一个格子时按左键会到右侧第一个格子,其他边缘的格子同理
pos = 480,128 ;第一个选人格子坐标
showemptyboxes = 1 ;1为显示空格子
moveoveremptyboxes = 1 ;1为允许移动到空格子上
cell.size = 50,50 ;每个格子的xy大小(单位为像素)
cell.spacing = 5 ;格子间距 = 150,0 ;格子的背景图片编号,注意,不要在格子上使用动画
cell.random.spr = 151,0 ;随机格子的图片编号 (不要用动画)
cell.random.switchtime = 4;随机格子的变化时间
p1.cursor.startcell = 0,0;P1选人的起始格子的位置 = 160;P1选人格子用的动作编号
p1.cursor.done.spr = 161,0;P1选人向下用到图片编号,也支持动画,需将该行替换为p1.cursor.done.anim =
p1.cursor.move.snd = 100,0;P1光标移动的声音
p1.cursor.done.snd = 100,1;P1完成选人的声音
p1.random.move.snd = 100,0;P1在随机选人格子上的声音
p2.cursor.startcell = 0,5 = 170
p2.cursor.done.spr = 171,0
p2.cursor.blink = 0 ;设为1时,2p和1p光标重叠时,2p的光标会闪烁
p2.cursor.move.snd = 100,0
p2.cursor.done.snd = 100,1
p2.random.move.snd = 100,0
random.move.snd.cancel = 0;(关于随机选择的声音参数,修改后没发现区别,暂且不翻译)1 to have random move sound cancel itself when played repeatedly
stage.move.snd = 100,0;选择背景的声音
stage.done.snd = 100,1;选中背景的声音
cancel.snd = 100,2;取消选择的声音
portrait.spr = 9000,0 ;人物小头像的图片编号,不要改,因为大部分人物都是这个编号
portrait.offset = 0,0;人物小头像相对格子的偏移量,一般保持0,0即可
portrait.scale = 0.5,0.5;小头像的缩放比例(这个要调好,不然头像会超出格子或者不满格子)
title.offset = 640,38 ;标题的位置 (比如Arcade Mode等)
title.font = -1,0,0 ;标题的字体 (-1表示不显示)
p1.face.spr = 9000,1 ;p1的人物大头像的图片编号
p1.face.offset = 0,0 ;p1的人物大头像相对于右上角的偏移量
p1.face.scale = 0.55,0.55 ;P1大头像的显示比例,这个也要调整好,道理同上
p1.face.facing = 1 ;P1大头像的方向
p1.face.window = 0,0, 739,959;P1大头像的窗口,前两个参数为xy坐标,后两个不太清楚
p2.face.spr = 9000,1
p2.face.offset = 1279,0
p2.face.scale = 0.55,0.55
p2.face.facing = -1
p2.face.window = 540,0, 1279,959
;名字 = 50,620 ;p1名字的位置 = 3,3,1 ;设为-1则不显示 = 15,25 ;p1侧同队中的名字xy间隔 = 1230,620 ;p2参数同上 = 3,1,-1 = -15,25
stage.pos = 640,700;选择背景的位置 = 3,0,0;选择背景的字体
stage.active2.font = 3,2 ;文字闪烁时的第二个字体参数
stage.done.font = 3,0;选择完成时的字体
teammenu.move.wrapping = 1
p1.teammenu.pos = 80, 130;P1选择团队模式的菜单位置
; =;P1侧选择团队模式的位置
p1.teammenu.selftitle.font = 3,3,1;菜单标题字体参数
p1.teammenu.selftitle.text = "TEAM MODE";菜单标题显示的内容
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.font = 3,3,1;对方的菜单标题的字体参数
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.text = "TEAM MODE";对方显示的菜单标题内容
p1.teammenu.move.snd = 100,0;移动音效
p1.teammenu.value.snd = 100,0;调整队伍人数的音效
p1.teammenu.done.snd = 100,1;选择完成音效
p1.teammenu.item.offset = 0,110;菜单选项相对于菜单位置的坐标
p1.teammenu.item.spacing = 0,60;选项之间的xy间距
p1.teammenu.item.font = 3,0,1;选项字体 = 3,3,1;光标移到选项上的字体
p1.teammenu.item.active2.font = 3,3, 1, 224,224,240 ;文字闪烁时的第二个字体参数
p1.teammenu.item.cursor.offset = -30, 0;选项光标的相对于菜单坐标的偏移量
p1.teammenu.item.cursor.anim = 180;光标的动作号
p1.teammenu.value.icon.offset = 210,1;调整人数的图片相对于菜单坐标的偏移量
p1.teammenu.value.icon.spr = 181,0;调整人数的图片编号
p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset = 210,1;调整人数的空图片相对于菜单坐标的偏移量,一般和非空图片一样
p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr = 182,0;调整人数的空图片编号
p1.teammenu.value.spacing = 30,0;调整人数的图标与选项文字的距离
p2.teammenu.pos = 1200, 130
; =
p2.teammenu.selftitle.font = 3,1, -1
p2.teammenu.selftitle.text = "TEAM MODE"
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.font = 3,1, -1
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.text = "TEAM MODE"
p2.teammenu.move.snd = 100,0
p2.teammenu.value.snd = 100,0
p2.teammenu.done.snd = 100,1
p2.teammenu.item.offset = 0,110
p2.teammenu.item.spacing = 0,60
p2.teammenu.item.font = 3,0, -1 = 3,1, -1
p2.teammenu.item.active2.font = 3,1, -1, 224,224,240 ;Second font color for blinking
p2.teammenu.item.cursor.offset = 30, 0
p2.teammenu.item.cursor.anim = 190
p2.teammenu.value.icon.offset = -210,1
p2.teammenu.value.icon.spr = 191,0
p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset = -210,1
p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr = 192,0
p2.teammenu.value.spacing = -30,0
;Debgu界面参数 (可以用于测试字体)
;sysexplod0.text =
;sysexplod0.font =
[Begin Action 160] ;P1 光标动作参数
160,6, 0,0, 1
160,5, 0,0, 1
160,4, 0,0, 1
160,3, 0,0, 1
160,2, 0,0, 1
160,1, 0,0, 1
160,0, 0,0, 1
[Begin Action 170] ;P2 光标动作参数
170,3, 0,0, 1
170,2, 0,0, 1
170,1, 0,0, 1
170,0, 0,0, 1
170,6, 0,0, 1
170,5, 0,0, 1
170,4, 0,0, 1
[Begin Action 180] ;P1 队伍模式光标动作参数
180,0, 0,0, 1
180,0, 3,0, 1
180,0, 6,0, 1
180,0, 9,0, 1
180,0,12,0, 1
180,0,15,0, 1
180,0,18,0, 1
180,0,21,0, 1
[Begin Action 190] ;P2 队伍模式光标动作参数
190,0, 0,0, 1
190,0,-3,0, 1
190,0,-6,0, 1
190,0,-8,0, 1
190,0,-12,0, 1
190,0,-15,0, 1
190,0,-18,0, 1
190,0,-21,0, 1
;spr = graphics/selectbg.sff ;选人的背景sff文件名
[SelectBG 0] ;Scrolling background
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1
[SelectBG 2.A] ;Title background
type = normal
spriteno = 102,0
layerno = 0
start = 0, 4
delta = 0,0
tile = 1,3
trans = sub
velocity = -1, 0
[SelectBG 2.B] ;Title background B
type = normal
spriteno = 102,1
layerno = 0
start = 0, 4
delta = 0,0
tile = 1,3
trans = add
velocity = -3, 0
[SelectBG 2.C] ;Title background C
type = normal
spriteno = 102,2
layerno = 0
start = 0, 4
delta = 0,0
tile = 1,3
trans = add
velocity = -9, 0
[VS Screen]
time = 150 ;VS画面显示的时间,单位是帧,60帧为1秒
fadein.time = 20
fadeout.time = 25
match.text = "Match %i" ;%i表示第几关
match.offset = 20, 709;文字偏移量
match.font = 2,0,1;字体
p1.spr = 9000, 1;p1图像编号
p1.offset = 60,30;p1图像坐标
p1.facing = 1;p1图像朝向
p1.scale = 0.5,0.5;p1图像缩放比例
p1.window = 60,30, 539,589;p1窗口坐标和大小
p2.spr = 9000, 1
p2.offset = 1220,30
p2.facing = -1
p2.scale = 0.5,0.5
p2.window = 741,30, 1220,589
;名字 = 110,650 ;p1名字的坐标 = 3,3,1 ;p1名字的字体,-1为不显示 = 0,44 ;p1队伍中各成员名字的间距 = 1170,650 = 3,1,-1 = 0,44
[VersusBG BG]
type = normal
spriteno = 204,0
start = 0,0
mask = 0
[VersusBG BG for 4:3]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = 0,0
window = 0,720, 1279,959
[VersusBG P1 Box 1]
type = anim
actionno = 203
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = -110,30
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P1 Box 2]
type = anim
actionno = 204
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = -110,30
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P1 Box 3]
type = anim
actionno = 205
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = -590,590
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P1 Box 4]
type = anim
actionno = 206
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = -590,590
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P2 Box 1]
type = anim
actionno = 207
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 95,30
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P2 Box 2]
type = anim
actionno = 208
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 95,30
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P2 Box 3]
type = anim
actionno = 209
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 575,590
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG P2 Box 4]
type = anim
actionno = 210
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 575,590
velocity = .1,0
[VersusBG 4] ;VS Logo Shadow
type = anim
actionno = 201
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = -18,300
velocity = .25,0
[VersusBG 5] ;VS Logo
type = anim
actionno = 200
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 0,300
[VersusBG 6] ;Next Match
type = anim
actionno = 202
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 18,38
velocity = -.25,0
[Begin Action 200]
200,0, 0,0, -1
[Begin Action 201]
201,0,-70,0, 1, , S
201,0,-60,0, 1, , S
201,0,-50,0, 1, , S
201,0,-40,0, 1, , S
201,0,-30,0, 1, , S
201,0,-20,0, 1, , S
201,0,-13,0, 1, , S
201,0, -8,0, 1, , S
201,0, -5,0, 1, , S
201,0, -2,0, 1, , S
201,0, -1,0, 1, , S
201,0, 0,0, -1, , S
[Begin Action 202]
202,0,70,0, 1
202,0,60,0, 1
202,0,50,0, 1
202,0,40,0, 1
202,0,30,0, 1
202,0,20,0, 1
202,0,13,0, 1
202,0, 8,0, 1
202,0, 5,0, 1
202,0, 2,0, 1
202,0, 1,0, 1
202,0, 0,0,-1
[Begin Action 203]
203,0, 0,0, -1, H, S
[Begin Action 204]
203,1, 0,0, -1, H, S
[Begin Action 205]
203,0, 0,0, -1, V, A
[Begin Action 206]
203,1, 0,0, -1, V, A
[Begin Action 207]
203,0, 0,0, -1, , S
[Begin Action 208]
203,1, 0,0, -1, , S
[Begin Action 209]
203,0, 0,0, -1, HV, A
[Begin Action 210]
203,1, 0,0, -1, HV, A
[Demo Mode]
enabled = 1 ;是否启用, 0为不启用
select.enabled = 0 ;1为显示选人界面,0为不显示
vsscreen.enabled = 0 ;1为显示对战界面, 0为不显示
title.waittime = 600 ;主菜单等待时间
fight.endtime = 1500 ;战斗演示持续时间
fight.playbgm = 0 ;1为启用战斗bgm,0为禁用
fight.stopbgm = 1 ;1为停止主菜单bgm(只有playbgm = 0时有用)
fight.bars.display = 0 ;血条是否隐藏
intro.waitcycles = 1 ;(改成0后没发现变化,暂不翻译)Cycles to wait before intro cutscene is played again
debuginfo = 0 ;0为隐藏debug信息 (debug模式下才有用)
[Continue Screen]
enabled = 1 ;1为显示续关界面,0为禁止续关
pos = 640,240 ;位置
;***须知*** 一下展示元素用的是fight.def中的资源,而不是本文件
continue.text = "CONTINUE?";续关文字
continue.font = 1,0,0;续关文字字体
continue.offset = 0,0;文字偏移量
yes.text = "YES";确定续关文字
yes.font = 1,0,0, 128,128,128;字体
yes.offset = -80, 60;偏移量 = "YES";光标移到确定续关上的文字 = 1,3,0;光标移到确定续关上的文字字体 = -80, 60;光标移到确定续关上的偏移量
no.text = "NO";不续关文字,以下参数同上
no.font = 1,0,0, 128,128,128
no.offset = 80, 60 = "NO" = 1,3,0 = 80, 60
[Game Over Screen]
enabled = 0 ;1为显示Game Over界面,0为禁用
storyboard = ;游戏结束的动画文件,文件格式是def
[Victory Screen]
enabled = 1;1为启用
time = 600 ;显示持续时间
fadein.time = 8;淡入界面时间
fadeout.time = 15;淡出界面时间
p1.offset = 400,-40
p1.spr = 9000,2
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 0.5,0.5
p1.window = 0,0, 1279,500 = 40,570 = 3,3,1
winquote.text = "人生の勝者!" ;默认的胜利台词
winquote.offset = 40,615;胜利台词的偏移量
winquote.font = 5,0,1;胜利台词的字体
winquote.window = 38,521, 1241,708;胜利台词的窗口坐标和大小
winquote.textwrap = w ;Word wrap
[VictoryBG 1]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = 0,1.5
window = 0,501, 1279,959
[VictoryBG 2]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,1
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
window = 0,0, 1279,500
velocity = 0,1.5
[VictoryBG 3]
type = normal
spriteno = 100,1
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
window = 25,520, 1254,709
velocity = 0,1.5
[Win Screen]
enabled = 1 ;1为启用
wintext.text = "Congratulations!";胜利台词
wintext.font = 3,0,0;字体
wintext.offset = 640,240;坐标
wintext.displaytime = -1;显示时间
wintext.layerno = 2;显示所在的层数
fadein.time = 32
pose.time = 300
fadeout.time = 64
[Default Ending]
enabled = 0 ;1为启用
storyboard = ;默认的动画文件
;Ending credits screen definition
;This screen shows up after the Win Screen and Ending
[End Credits]
enabled = 0 ;Set to 1 to show credits, 0 to disable
storyboard = ;Credits storyboard filename
[Survival Results Screen]
enabled = 1
winstext.text = "Rounds survived: %i" ;%i表示胜利的场次
winstext.font = 3,0,0
winstext.offset = 640,240
winstext.displaytime = -1
winstext.layerno = 2
fadein.time = 32
show.time = 300
fadeout.time = 64
roundstowin = 5 ;胜利若干局后播放胜利动作
[Option Info]
fadein.time = 10;标题坐标
fadeout.time = 10;标题字体
title.offset = 640,38;标题坐标
title.font = 4,0,0;标题字体
cursor.move.snd = 100,0;光标移动的声音
cursor.done.snd = 100,1;光标选择的声音
cancel.snd = 100,2;取消的声音
[OptionBG 1];设置背景1
type = normal
spriteno = 100,0
start = 0,0
tile = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1