MUGEN1.1 fight.def 千寻汉化版
; 战斗界面定义
; 画面包: MUGEN1
; 分辨率: 1280x720
; 需要: MUGEN 1.1
; 关于字体:
; - 可以在[Files]区下定义10个字体.
; - 这里的字体不会影响fight.def中的字体
; - 系统会按以下顺序检索字体文件:
; 1. system.def指定的路径
; 2. mugen主程序同级目录 (不推荐将更改过的字体文件放在这里)
; 3. 主程序同级的data文件夹下 (不推荐将更改过的字体文件放在这里)
; 4. 主程序同级的font文件夹下
; 见文件最后的 "如何自定义"
;1. fight.def指定的路径
;2. 主程序同级的data文件夹下
;3. mugen主程序同级目录
sff = fight.sff ;血条图片文件名
snd = fight.snd ;战斗音效
font1 = enter48.def ;字体1的名字
font2 = num48.def ;字体2的名字
font3 = name14.def
font4 = num1.def
fightfx.sff = fightfx.sff ;默认战斗火花图片文件
fightfx.air = fightfx.air ;默认战斗火花动作文件
common.snd = common.snd ;通用动作音效
scale = 4 ;默认战斗火花的缩放比例
;Player 1的血条参数
p1.pos = 590,40 ;p1血条的坐标,左上为0,0点
p1.bg0.anim = 10 ;血条的暗色背景动画编号
p1.bg0.offset = -6,6 ;相对于血条的偏移量
p1.bg1.spr = 11,0 ;空血条界面的图片编号
p1.mid.anim = 12 ;损血时的血条动画编号
p1.mid.offset = -6,6 ;损血时的血条的偏移量
p1.front.spr = 13,0 ;血条的图片编号
p1.front.offset = -6,6 ;血条的图片编号
p1.range.x = -6,-433 ;血条拉伸至左右的相对坐标,要设定的刚好和空血条对上
;Player 2的血条参数,同1p
p2.pos = 690,40
p2.bg0.anim = 10
p2.bg0.offset = 6,6
p2.bg0.facing = -1 ;让图片水平翻转
p2.bg1.spr = 11,0
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.mid.anim = 12
p2.mid.offset = 6,6
p2.mid.facing = -1
p2.front.spr = 13,0
p2.front.offset = 6,6
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.range.x = 6,433
[Begin Action 10] ;血条变暗的背景
10,0, 0,0, 1, , AS224D32
[Begin Action 12] ;Blinking lifebar midground
12,0, 0,0, 1
12,1, 0,0, 1
12,2, 0,0, 1
12,3, 0,0, 1
12,4, 0,0, 1
12,5, 0,0, 1
12,4, 0,0, 1
12,3, 0,0, 1
12,2, 0,0, 1
12,1, 0,0, 1
[Simul Lifebar];四人同屏对战时的血条参数,参数和上面相同
;Player 1
p1.pos = 590,40
p1.bg0.anim = 20
p1.bg0.offset = -6,6
p1.bg1.spr = 11,0
p1.mid.anim = 12
p1.mid.offset = -6,6
p1.mid.scale = 1,0.5
p1.front.spr = 13,0
p1.front.offset = -6,6
p1.front.scale = 1,0.5
p1.range.x = -6,-433
;Player 2
p2.pos = 690,40
p2.bg0.anim = 20
p2.bg0.offset = 6,6
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.spr = 11,0
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.mid.anim = 12
p2.mid.offset = 6,6
p2.mid.facing = -1
p2.mid.scale = 1,0.5
p2.front.spr = 13,0
p2.front.offset = 6,6
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.front.scale = 1,0.5
p2.range.x = 6,433
;Player 3
p3.pos = 590,49
p3.mid.anim = 12
p3.mid.offset = -6,6
p3.mid.scale = 1,0.5
p3.front.spr = 13,0
p3.front.offset = -6,6
p3.front.scale = 1,0.5
p3.range.x = -6,-433
;Player 4
p4.pos = 690,49
p4.mid.spr = 12,0
p4.mid.offset = 6,6
p4.mid.facing = -1
p4.mid.scale = 1,0.5
p4.front.spr = 13,0
p4.front.offset = 6,6
p4.front.facing = -1
p4.front.scale = 1,0.5
p4.range.x = 6,433
[Begin Action 20] ;Darkened lifebar background (simul)
20,0, 0,0, 1, , AS224D32
[Turns Lifebar];车轮战时的血条参数
;Player 1
p1.pos = 590,40
p1.bg0.anim = 10
p1.bg0.offset = -6,6
p1.bg1.spr = 11,0
p1.mid.anim = 12
p1.mid.offset = -6,6
p1.front.spr = 13,0
p1.front.offset = -6,6
p1.range.x = -6,-433
;Player 2
p2.pos = 690,40
p2.bg0.anim = 10
p2.bg0.offset = 6,6
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.spr = 11,0
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.mid.anim = 12
p2.mid.offset = 6,6
p2.mid.facing = -1
p2.front.spr = 13,0
p2.front.offset = 6,6
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.range.x = 6,433
;Player 1的气条参数
p1.pos = 590,70 ;气条的位置
p1.bg0.anim = 40 ;气条的暗色背景动画编号
p1.bg0.offset = -6,4 ;气条的偏移量
p1.bg1.spr = 41,0 ;空气条的图片编号
;p1.mid.spr = 42,0 ;扣气时的气条图片编号,一般不用填
p1.front.anim = 43 ;气条的动画编号
p1.front.offset = -6,4 ;气条的偏移量
p1.range.x = -6,-245 ;气条拉伸至左右的相对坐标
p1.counter.offset = -256,15 ;气条数字的文字位置
p1.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255 ;气条数字的字体参数
;Player 2的气条参数,同p1
p2.pos = 690,70
p2.bg0.anim = 40
p2.bg0.offset = 6,4
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.spr = 41,0
p2.bg1.facing = -1
;p2.mid.spr = 42,0
;p2.mid.facing = -1
p2.front.anim = 43
p2.front.offset = 6,4
p2.front.facing = -1
p2.range.x = 6,245
p2.counter.offset = 259,15
p2.counter.font = 4,0, 0, 242,242,255
; --level sounds---;气条每攒够一气时播放的音效
level1.snd = 21,0
level2.snd = 21,0
level3.snd = 21,0
[Begin Action 40] ;气条的暗色背景
40,0, 0,0, 1, , AS224D32
[Begin Action 43] ;Flashing powerbar
43,0, 0,0, 15
43,1, 0,0, 1
43,2, 0,0, 1
43,3, 0,0, 1
43,4, 0,0, 1
43,5, 0,0, 1
43,6, 0,0, 1
43,7, 0,0, 1
43,8, 0,0, 1
43,9, 0,0, 1
43,10, 0,0, 1
43,11, 0,0, 1
43,12, 0,0, 1
43,13, 0,0, 1
43,14, 0,0, 1
43,15, 0,0, 1
43,16, 0,0, 1
43,17, 0,0, 1
;Player 1的小头像参数
p1.pos = 20,20 ;p1的小头像参数
p1.bg0.spr = 50,0 ;p1的小头像边框图片
p1.bg1.anim = 51 ;p1小头像背景动画编号
p1.face.spr = 9000,0 ;p1使用的小头像编号
p1.face.facing = 1 ;p1的小头像朝向
p1.face.offset = 0,0 ;p1的小头像偏移量
;Player 2的小头像参数,参数通过p1
p2.pos = 1260,20
p2.bg0.spr = 50,0
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.anim = 51
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.face.spr = 9000,0
p2.face.facing = -1
p2.face.offset = 0,0
[Begin Action 51] ;Darkened face background
51,0, 0,0, 1, , AS208D48
[Simul Face];4人同屏战斗时的小头像参数
;Player 1
p1.pos = 20,20
p1.bg0.spr = 50,0
p1.bg1.anim = 51
p1.face.spr = 9000,0
p1.face.facing = 1
;Player 2
p2.pos = 1260,20
p2.bg0.spr = 50,0
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.anim = 51
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.face.spr = 9000,0
p2.face.facing = -1
;Player 3
p3.pos = 144,80
p3.bg0.spr = 70,0
p3.bg1.anim = 71
p3.face.spr = 9000,0
p3.face.scale = 0.4,0.4
p3.face.facing = 1
;Player 4
p4.pos = 1136,80
p4.bg0.spr = 70,0
p4.bg0.facing = -1
p4.bg1.anim = 71
p4.bg1.facing = -1
p4.face.spr = 9000,0
p4.face.scale = 0.4,0.4
p4.face.facing = -1
[Turns Face];车轮战时玩家头像参数
;Player 1
p1.pos = 20,20
p1.bg0.spr = 50,0
p1.bg1.anim = 51
p1.face.spr = 9000,0
p1.face.facing = 1
;Player 1's teammates
p1.teammate.pos = 144,80
p1.teammate.spacing = 50,0
p1.teammate.bg0.spr = 70,0
p1.teammate.bg1.anim = 71
p1.teammate.ko.anim = 72
p1.teammate.face.spr = 9000,0
p1.teammate.face.scale = 0.4,0.4
p1.teammate.face.facing = 1
;Player 2
p2.pos = 1260,20
p2.bg0.spr = 50,0
p2.bg0.facing = -1
p2.bg1.anim = 51
p2.bg1.facing = -1
p2.face.spr = 9000,0
p2.face.facing = -1
;Player 2's teammates
p2.teammate.pos = 1136,80
p2.teammate.spacing = -50,0
p2.teammate.bg0.spr = 70,0
p2.teammate.bg0.facing = -1
p2.teammate.bg1.anim = 71
p2.teammate.bg1.facing = -1
p2.teammate.ko.anim = 72
p2.teammate.ko.facing = -1
p2.teammate.face.spr = 9000,0
p2.teammate.face.scale = 0.4,0.4
p2.teammate.face.facing = -1
[Begin Action 71] ;Darkened small face background
71,0, 0,0, 1, , AS208D48
[Begin Action 72] ;KO overlay for small face
72,0, 0,0, 1, , AS192D64
p1.pos = 142,35 ;p1的名字坐标
; = ;p1的名字图片 = 3,3, 1 ;p1的名字字体
; =
p2.pos = 1138,35 = 3,1, -1
[Simul Name];4人同屏对战时的名字参数
p1.pos = 142,35 = 3,3, 1
p2.pos = 1138,35 = 3,1, -1
p3.pos = 200,85 = 3,3, 1 = 0.5,1
p4.pos = 1080,85 = 3,1, -1 = 0.5,1
[Turns Name];车轮战时的名字参数
p1.pos = 142,35
; = = 3,3, 1
; =
p2.pos = 1138,35 = 3,1, -1
pos = 642,84 ;时间显示的位置
;bg.spr = ;时间的背景图片
counter.offset = 0,0 ;数字的显示偏移量
counter.font = 2,0, 0, 255,255,242 ;数字的字体
framespercount = 60 ;每跳一下数字的时间间隔,单位是帧,60帧为1秒
team1.pos = 30,260 ;p1连段显示的坐标
team1.start.x = -240 ;连击数字起始的位置
team1.counter.font = 2,3,1;连击数字的字体
team1.counter.shake = 1 ;设为1时,数字变化时会有晃动效果
team1.text.text = "COMBO" ;可以用%i表示连击数, 比如 "%i Hit!"
team1.text.font = 1,4,1 ;连击文字的字体
team1.text.offset = 12,0 ;连击文字的偏移量
team1.displaytime = 90 ;显示连击数的持续时间
team2.pos = 1250,260 ;Coords to show
team2.start.x = 1520 ;Starting x-coords
team2.counter.font = 2,1,-1
team2.counter.shake = 1 ;Set to 1 to shake count on hit
team2.text.text = "COMBO" ;You can use %i to show count in the text, eg "%i Hit!"
team2.text.font = 1,4,-1
team2.text.offset = 12,0 ;Offset of text
team2.displaytime = 90 ;Time to show text
match.wins = 2 ;结束一场战斗必须要赢的局数
match.maxdrawgames = 1 ;允许平局的最多次数 (-1为无限次)
start.waittime = 30 ;人物开始开场动画前的等待时间
pos = 0,0
round.time = 0 ;显示round的起始时间
round.default.offset = 640, 320 ;显示round的偏移量
round.default.font = 1,0,0 ;round的默认字体
round.default.text = "Round %i" ;默认文字显示
round.default.displaytime = 60 ;显示round的持续时间
round.default.scale = 1,1 ;round的xy缩放比例
;每一局的报幕声音 (选填,最多可以到round 9)
round1.snd = 0,1
round2.snd = 0,2
round3.snd = 0,3
round.sndtime = 0 ;播放声音的起始时间
; Components to show for each round (optional, specify up to round 9)
; Uncomment to use
;round1.offset = 160, 100
;round1.anim =
fight.time = 0
fight.offset = 640, 300 ;Component for FIGHT display
fight.anim = 80 ;.
fight.snd = 1,0 ;Sound to play
fight.sndtime = 0 ;Time to play sound
ctrl.time = 30 ;播放"Fight"后经过多长时间可以进行操作
KO.time = 0 ;Time to show KO component
KO.offset = 640, 300 ;Component for KO display
KO.anim = 200 ;.
KO.snd = 2,0 ;Sound to play for KO announcement
; Double KO,参数同round
DKO.offset = 640, 320
DKO.font = 1,5
DKO.text = "Double K.O."
DKO.displaytime = 60
DKO.snd = 2,1
; Time Over,参数同round
TO.offset = 640, 320
TO.font = 1,5
TO.text = "Time Over"
TO.displaytime = 60
TO.snd = 2,2
KO.sndtime = 0 ;播放KO, DKO and TO的起始时间
slow.time = 60 ;KO之后慢放动作的持续时间
over.waittime = 45 ;KO之后玩家还能操作的时间
over.hittime = 10 ;KO之后玩家还能造成伤害的时间,主要用于Double KO
over.wintime = 45 ;角色播放胜利动作之前需要等待的时间
over.time = 210 ;KO之后到该局结束前的等待时间
win.time = 60 ;显示win信息之前需要等待的时间
win.offset = 640, 320
win.font = 1,0
win.text = "%s Wins" ;%s为角色名,即人物的displayname
win.displaytime = 540
; 2-player win text
win2.offset = 640, 320
win2.font = 1,0
win2.text = "%s and %s Win"
win2.displaytime = 540
draw.offset = 640, 320
draw.font = 1,0
draw.text = "Draw Game"
draw.displaytime = 540
[Begin Action 80]
80,0, 0,0, 8, , AS128D128, 4,4, 180
Interpolate Scale
Interpolate Angle
Interpolate Blend
80,0, 0,0, 40, , AS256D0
80,0, 0,0, 4, , AS192D63
Interpolate Blend
80,0, 0,0, 1, , AS32D223
[Begin Action 200]
-1,-1, 0,0, 5
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D255
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D224
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D192
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D160
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D128
200,0, 0,0, 120
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D64
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D128
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D192
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS255D255
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS192D255
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS128D255
200,0, 0,0, 1, , AS64D255
p1.pos = 584,30 ;胜利标志坐标
p2.pos = 696,30
p1.bg0.spr = 120,0 ;胜利标志图片编号
p2.bg0.spr = 120,0
p1.iconoffset = -24,0 ;每个胜利标志的间隔xy坐标
p2.iconoffset = 24,0
; Counter text font and offset for representing wins
p1.counter.offset = 0,5
p1.counter.font = 4,0,0, 230,255,242
p2.counter.offset = 0,5
p2.counter.font = 4,0,0, 255,242,242
p1.n.spr = 100,0
p2.n.spr = 100,0
p1.s.spr = 101,0
p2.s.spr = 101,0
p1.h.spr = 102,0
p2.h.spr = 102,0
p1.throw.spr = 103,0
p2.throw.spr = 103,0
;微笑胜利?win by cheese
p1.c.spr = 104,0
p2.c.spr = 104,0
p1.t.spr = 105,0
p2.t.spr = 105,0
p1.suicide.spr = 106,0
p2.suicide.spr = 106,0
p1.teammate.spr = 107,0
p2.teammate.spr = 107,0
p1.perfect.spr = 110,0
p2.perfect.spr = 110,0
useiconupto = 4
; How to customize
; First of all, set filenames under [Files].
; Next, you can customize each component of the fight screen.
; A component can be anything from a piece of the lifebar,
; to the text that signals a K.O.
; Each component starts with its name, followed by a period,
; and then the names of its elements. For example, a
; component named "bg" with an element of "anim" looks
; like "bg.anim".
; There are several main element types:
; 1. anim (animation)
; 2. spr (sprite)
; 3. font (text)
; 4. snd (sound)
; 1. anim
; Format: anim = actionno
; actionno is the number of the action to use. You must
; specify a valid action that is defined within this file.
; The sprites for the animation come from the file given
; for the "sff" parameter in the [Files] group below.
; You can define your animation actions anywhere in this
; file, as long as it does not come in the middle of a
; group (an example of a group is the block of text
; starting with [Files], and ending on the next group
; [Lifebar]).
; For example, to use action 5 for the p1.bg0 component:
; p1.bg0.anim = 5
; 2. spr
; Format: spr = spritegrp, spriteno
; This is the identifier pair for the sprite you to
; display.
; For example, to show sprite 103,0 for a component named
; p1.throw:
; p1.throw.spr = 103,0
; 3. font
; Format: font = fontno, fontbank, alignmnt, R, G, B
; text = text
; This lets you set the font (and optionally the content
; text). fontno is the number of the font defined under
; [Files]. For instance, for the line "font2 = font/num1.fnt",
; the fontno is 2.
; fontbank is the color bank of the font to use. Refer to
; the font for what color banks it has.
; alignmt is a number representing the text alignment.
; 1 is left, 0 means center, and -1 is for right-alignment.
; R, G, B are the color adjustment values for the font.
; RGB values default to 256,256,256 (no color adjustment).
; All font values are optional. If fontno is omitted, no
; text will be drawn.
; The "text" element should accompany the "font" element
; wherever necessary. The following example will display
; "FIGHT!" using font 1, bank 1, with center-alignment.
; fight.font = 1,1, 0
; fight.text = FIGHT!
; 4. snd
; Format: snd = sndgrp, sndno
; This is the identifier pair for the sound effect to
; play. The .snd file that the sound is played from
; is given in the "snd" parameter in the [Files] group.
; This plays sound 21,0 for the "level1" component.
; level1.snd = 21,0
; Take note that the anim, spr and font element types are
; mutually exclusive; you can only use one of them per
; component.
; The types of elements supported vary with the component.
; Usually the anim, spr and font elements are interchangeable
; for a component. However, in some cases only one element
; type may be used. An example of this is found under [Combo]:
; counter.font = 2,4 ;Font for combo counter
; You cannot use an animation or a sprite to represent a
; numeric counter, so it only makes sense to define a font
; for use.
; There are other element types that do nothing on their
; own. They can be used with display element types
; (spr, anim and font) to gain more control. These
; have no meaning when used with the snd element.
; 5. offset
; 6. displaytime
; 7. facing
; 8. vfacing
; 9. layerno
; 10. scale
; 5. offset
; Format: offset = x, y
; Displaces the display element horizontally by x pixels,
; and vertically by y pixels.
; If this element is omitted, the offset is assumed to
; be 0,0.
; 6. displaytime
; Format: displaytime = time_in_ticks
; This element defines the time to display the component.
; If omitted, the default display time varies with element
; type. For spr and font elements, the default displaytime
; is 1. For anim, it is the looptime of the animation.
; This example displays the text "FIGHT!" for 45 game
; ticks:
; fight.font = 1,1, 0
; fight.text = FIGHT!
; fight.displaytime = 45
; 7. facing
; Format: facing = dir
; Sets the horizontal flipping of the display element.
; 1 means no flipping, and -1 means flip horizontally.
; Does not affect "font" elements. Defaults to 1 if
; omitted.
; 8. vfacing
; Format: vfacing = dir
; Sets the vertical flipping of the display element.
; 1 means no flipping, and -1 means flip vertically.
; Does not affect "font" elements. Defaults to 1 if
; omitted.
; 9. layerno
; Format: layerno = no
; This element lets you set the layer to which the
; display element will be drawn on. 0 is in front of
; the background, but behind the players. 1 is in
; front of the players, but behind the foreground.
; 2 is in front of the foreground. The default is 0
; in most cases.
; An example of where this might be useful is when
; you want to have the life or power bars appear
; on top. In that case, set all the components to
; have layerno = 2.
; 10. scale
; Format: scale = xscale, yscale
; Scales the display element by a horizontal scale
; factor of xscale, and vertically by a factor of
; yscale. Defaults to 1,1 if omitted.
; Currently does not affect "font" elements.
; 11. angle
; Format: angle = degrees
; Draws the element rotated by the specified angle.
; Some components have additional elements specific
; to themselves.