瓦达法克 - 更新历史

幽郓 添加了:
作者名称: 薙氏(Nagi)
文件类型: 2
2022-08-24 15:25:56

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: https://note.youdao.com/noteshare?id=9205decd0a1e686da7da2847e9f10b3e
作者id: 11926
2022-06-02 20:52:21

幽郓 修改了:
是否推荐: 1
2021-09-29 09:14:21

幽郓 修改了:
备注: O Ilusionista公开页面的地址https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/wadafak-released--121429.0.html
2021-06-24 16:33:42

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ztnqsp7zv87nrct/%2521wadafak.rar/file
2021-06-24 16:32:46

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/wadafak-released--121429.0.html
2021-06-24 16:28:33

幽郓 修改了:
人物名称: 瓦达法克
背景设定: What is your goal with this char? - Fun. Just that. Its a dog? - No Its a donkey? - No Its a monster? -no What the fuck it is? - I dunno. Hence the name (Wadafak is a joke with the sound of "what the fuck" phrase). He farts on a winpose. Do you have any stomach issues? -No. I just think its funny. If you can't get a so obvious joke, get a life. Seriously. Its opensource? - No. THIS CHAR ISN'T OPENSOURCE, since it has original sprites.
2021-06-24 13:40:51

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: https://www.patreon.com/oilusionista/posts
2021-06-24 13:28:24

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: https://wwx.lanzoui.com/i7eAhl5kb3a
2021-02-01 00:42:02

幽郓 修改了:
文件类型: 1
2020-10-17 16:28:08

幽郓 修改了:
下载地址1: https://www.lanzoux.com/iNnuvf6i2ri
2020-08-01 00:02:29

幽郓 修改了:
关键字: 四脚艺术
2020-07-28 18:53:44

幽郓 添加了:
作者名称: vo-jk(vo-jk)
文件类型: 2
2020-07-26 13:22:37

幽郓 添加了:
作者名称: O Ilusionista氏
文件类型: 1
2020-07-26 13:21:29
